Our trip to the UK and Ireland searching for the homes of our ancestors.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Glued to the campsite in Barns Green

Well, we've slowed right down. We've had two attempts at driving to Kent for the day, but are either too weary or feeling crook for the third day in a row. We leave here tomorrow, and hopefully will call into Ightham, Kent on our way to Lea Valley (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) tomorrow.

We are having a pub tea with Linda and Peter tonight.

Cheerio for now. Margaret
PS We will be thinking of you all at the computer club on Friday. Why not put a comment or two on the blog. Hazel Labka has done so, and it is always great to hear how our blog is being received.


Pete said...

Great photos. No idea Picasa could do this. Hopefully the troops will enjoy them as well on Friday.
Deborah will be coming to her first meeting , so she may be interested in retracing her ancestors back in the UK. I enjoyed the English countryside, but quickly got over seeing the big cities.
Peter Grove

judyej said...

Hi Margaret & John You both seem to be having a good time.Sorry to hear you are now not feeling well Margaret hope you are better soon
your photos are really good. Wish I was there

jonleee said...

Great stuff, John & Margaret.
Todays meeting went off ok, we saw this blog and your Picasa pics.
I completed my scan of the 1958 wedding contact sheets 72 pics!, and worked them on picasa before putting them on my multiply.com blogsite. Emailed the link to Jan today, she was in the office when I scanned them...she went to high school with my wife's sisters in parra!

Keep the blogs, pics coming! and keep on enjoying your trip.......
regard, John Lee